Distinct Belgian aromatic malt with unique aroma and flavour profile. A particular production process developed by Castle Malting®.
This caramel-copper coloured malt provides a rich malt flavour and aroma to amber and dark lager beers. Compared to other traditional coloured malts, Château Crystal® has an even stronger diastatic power and imparts a smoother bitterness.
Aromatic and coloured beers. Perfect for any beer in which high profile malt is required. Excellent choice for Belgian ales and German bock beer styles. Up to 20% of the mix.
A medium Belgian caramel-style malt. High temperature of germination. Taste development at up to 220°C, intense aroma.
Château Cara Ruby® malt imparts a rich caramel-sweet aroma and a toffee-like flavour, adding light amber to reddish colour to beer. A distinguishing characteristic of all caramel malts is glassiness. This glassy endosperm creates the desirable non-fermentable components that give true caramel malt the ability to contribute mouthfeel, head, head retention, and extended beer stability.
Brown Ales, Brune des Flandres, Bock, Scottish Ales. Up to 25% of the mix.
A dark Belgian caramel-style malt. High temperature of germination. Taste development at up to 220°C, intense aroma.
Château Cara Gold® malt imparts a strong caramel-sweet aroma and unique toffee-like and brown sugar flavour, adding a rich amber colour to beer. A distinguishing characteristic of all caramel malts is glassiness. This glassy endosperm creates the desirable non-fermentable components that give true caramel malt the ability to contribute mouthfeel, head, head retention, and extended beer stability.
Brown and dark beers. Up to 20% of the mix.
The palest Belgian Caramel malt produced according to a special malting process.
Château Cara Clair is a type of Belgian caramel malt. Intensifies the beer’s body and its smoothness, promotes head formation and retention. This malt also called Dextrin malt and is the most common body and foam enhancing natural agent that enhance head retention primarily thanks to their dextrines and other complex proteins. Creates soft biscuit notes in the beer aroma.
Pilsner Lager, alcohol-reduced beer, light beer, Bock beer. Up to 30% of the mix.
FEATURES A pale Belgian caramel-style malt. High temperature of germination. Taste development at up to 220°C, intense aroma. CHARACTERISITIC Château...
Unique and very special Belgian malt. Lightly kilned, then lightly torrefied at up to 160°C.
All special beers and as well for English ales, brown ales and porters. Up to 25% of the mix.
Château Biscuit® malt produces a very pronounced "toasty" finish in the beer. Imparts a warm bread and biscuit-like aroma and flavour. Promotes a light to medium warm brown colour of the mash. This malt is used to improve the roasted flavour and aroma that characterize ales and lagers lending the subtle properties of black and chocolate malts. No enzymes. Must be mashed with malts having a surplus of diastatic power.
FEATURESBelgian aromatic malt. High germination temperature, kilning at up to 115°C to develop much aromaCHARACTERISITIC Château Arôme malt provides a rich malty aroma and flavor to amber and dark lager beers. Compared to other traditional colored malts, Château Arôme has higher diastatic power and imparts a smoother bitterness.USAGESpecial very aromatic beers. Up to 20% of the mix.